“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works…” (Eph. 2:10)
Henry Steinway built his first piano in 1836 in the kitchen of his home in Germany – the same piano now displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Born in 1797, he would build 482 pianos over the next decade. Eventually, he and his family emigrated to the United States, establishing Steinway & Sons with the goal of manufacturing pianos.
It must have sounded like an unlikely business, but within three years, they were manufacturing more than 200 pianos a year. Because of the quality of their craftsmanship, Steinway developed a reputation for excellence. As a result, their pianos were sold the world over.
Today, the company so dominates the piano business that an estimated 97% of concert soloists choose to play on a Steinway.
Just as a Steinway piano is a reflection of its creator’s workmanship, we (as Christians) are also a reflection of our Creator’s workmanship. No matter where we go, everything we say and do reflects what others will think of Jesus.
Just as Steinway & Sons puts a lot of time and effort into crafting the finest piano they can, God has put a lot of time and effort into making us what He would have us be. Steinway’s goal is to make the best piano possible. God’s goal is to make us into the image of Jesus Christ.
Ask God to help you be the best representative of His workmanship in your life, today. Let others see the work God has, and is doing in you on a daily basis.