The Best Way To Attend Church

“I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.” (Ps. 122:1)

Have you ever thought about why you attend church? If someone were to ask you that question, how would you answer? What would you say?

People often attend church for different reasons and with different attitudes. David gives us the best way to attend the house of the Lord.


David used the words “I” and “me” when referring to going to the house of the Lord. Sadly, many parents will send their children to church but not attend themselves. Many husbands will send their wife and children but not attend themselves.  What kind of message does that send?


Next, David said, “I was glad…” The thought of attending the house of the Lord made David happy! Attending church should be a joyful occasion.

Getting to sing songs of worship and fellowship with God’s people, all while hearing God’s Word preached, should make us eager to attend.


We should expect something when we go to the house of the Lord. We should attend with a spirit of expectation; expecting God to speak to us through His Word. David was happy because he knew something good always happened at the house of the Lord.

Notice David said, “I was glad when THEY said unto me…” It encouraged David when someone else encouraged him to go to church. There are some who would gladly attend church if someone only invited them. They are waiting for someone to say to them, “come go with us to the house of the Lord.”

Think about these three things as you prepare for church this Sunday.

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