Are You Failing God’s Grace?

(Heb. 12:15) “Looking diligently lest any man FAIL of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble [you], and thereby many be defiled;”

Understand that God’s grace will NEVER fail us, but WE can fail God’s grace. How can we fail God’s grace?

When you came to Jesus in faith and repentance, knowing you were a sinner, who had sinned against God and deserved nothing less than eternity in Hell, God (in His love and mercy) extended to you His GRACE. You didn’t deserve it. You didn’t earn it; it was simply given to you by a loving God.

Here’s how we can FAIL the grace of God. Our text verse is talking about one who has allowed a root of bitterness to spring up in his heart.

When we allow bitterness in our hearts (unresolved anger over something that was done to us), we FAIL to extend the very grace of God to others which God freely gave to us!

“But they don’t deserve my forgiveness,” you say. Neither did YOU deserve God’s forgiveness. That’s what grace is… Undeserved!

When you give others grace, you are acknowledging that nothing they have done to you could be worse than what your sins did to JESUS! Wow! What a powerful truth!

So don’t fail God’s grace today. It just might be that the grace you extend to someone leads them to accept Gods grace for them as well.

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