“For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he sware by himself,” (Heb. 6:13)
Several years ago, a lady heard on the radio a contest for “100 Grand.” They were looking for the 7th caller and she was that person. The next morning she went to the station but was asked to return later. When she got home, there was a phone message from the station manager explaining that she had won a Nestle’s 100 Grand candy bar, not $100,000. The lady sued them for deceptive advertising. The station manager offered her $5,000, but she wouldn’t go for it. “I said I wanted $95,000 more,” she said, “Nobody would watch and listen for two hours for a candy bar.”
Because of situations like this, it’s hard to trust anyone for anything nowadays. The days of doing business with a simple handshake are long gone. Now, the simplest business transaction requires mounds of legal paperwork.
We are so used to be lied to by politicians that we now carry that same distrust into our other relationships, especially our relationship with the Lord.
How many times have we read a promise from God in the Bible, yet we have doubted it? How many times has the Lord told us to step out by faith in a certain area, yet we doubted everything would work out?
The writer of Hebrews reminds us that God can be trusted! In fact, He made a promise to Abraham and “swear by himself” because “he could swear by no greater.”
Praise the Lord, there is no false advertising with the Lord. If God says something, you can take it to the bank because there is not greater than Him. In fact, verse 18 says it is “impossible for God to lie.”
Thank Him this morning for being trustworthy!