The Purpose of the Pot

My heart is heavy because of so many who are hurting today. So many who are going through the fiery trials as if they are being consumed in a boiling pot. The Bible speaks of this in Prov. 17:3 which says, “The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts.”

If you feel as if your trial is going to consume you, there is hope my friend! As long as there is a God in Heaven, there is help and there is hope!

FIRST, there is hope because the Bible says there is a purpose for the pot. It is called “The fining pot” because it is where the refiners put in the silver or gold and turned up the heat in order to burn away any impurities in the precious metals. God may have allowed this trial as a way of drawing you closer to Him in order to burn away some impurities that are still in your life. We are often blinded to our own failures so God has to bring circumstances that will reveal them to us.

Storms have a way of driving us to our knees, and this causes us to examine ourselves and our motives more thoroughly. Storms will cause us to pray as David did in Psalm 139:23-24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: 24) And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

SECOND, notice this pot was for precious metals. Since this is a refiner’s pot, it is not used for wood, or hay, or stubble. Those things would completely burn up. No, this pot is reserved for that which is precious and valuable to make it even MORE precious valuable. Friend, God is not trying you in order to burn you up. He wants to clean you out and make you even MORE valuable to Him and even MORE effective in your service to the King!

THIRDLY, it says, “the LORD trieth the hearts.” The LORD knows your heart. What a blessed thought that He sees every tear and knows every heartache we have! Nothing gets by Him! You can trust His judgment. You can rest assured that He didn’t send this trial to make you BITTER, but to  make you BETTER. “The LORD trieth the hearts.” He sees that you are burdened and knows exactly what you are going through. Keep your eyes on Him and He will lead you through!

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