“And it came to pass..that..the oil stayed.” (2 Kings 4:6)
Here we see a widow. She was in debt and had no means by which to pay her bills. She came to the prophet Elijah and asked what she could do. After she gathered empty vessels, at the prophet’s command, she began to pour out the little oil she had into these vessels. When she had no more vessels to pour into, “the oil stayed.” She stopped receiving fresh oil because she stopped going to the cruse. In other words, she stopped receiving because she stopped pouring!
Thank God for the oil God gave you yesterday, but yesterday’s oil is not good enough for today. You need fresh oil, today! This widow had to pour out yesterday’s oil in order to receive today’s oil. In other words, she had to be willing to pour out before God could pour in. She had to empty her cruse out before God could fill her cruse up!
God wants to give you fresh oil every day, but you must be willing to use the oil He gave you yesterday if you want Him to give you more oil, today. How many sermons has God allowed us to hear that was fresh oil from God, yet we never obeyed what we heard? We wasted the oil God gave us.
When she stopped pouring out into other vessels, the oil stayed. When she stopped going to the cruse, she stopped receiving fresh oil. As long as you keep going to the cruse, you will find the fresh oil you need; but, when you stop going to the cruse, the oil will stay in your life and you will have to live on yesterday’s oil.
Are you living on yesterday’s oil? Has the oil stayed in your life? Have you stopped pouring out what God has poured in? Don’t waste the oil God gave you, yesterday, so that He will give you fresh oil, today. Don’t live on yesterday’s oil.