“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” (John 14:1)
Just before Jesus spoke these words, the disciples had become troubled. Jesus and the disciples were sitting in the Upper Room and Jesus drops a bombshell! He tells them that one of them was a devil! Then He says that Peter would deny Him before the cock crows. And if that were not enough, Jesus then says that He is leaving them soon. So, they were full of anxiety and fear because of a devil, a denier, and now the possibility of being deserted! No wonder Jesus begins chapter 14 by saying to them, “Let not your heart be troubled…”
“How can you expect us to not be troubled,” the disciples must have wondered. Sensing their struggle, Jesus says to them, “ye believe in God.” Notice there isn’t a question mark at the end of that phrase because this is not a question; it is a statement. Jesus said, “I know ye believe in God.” In other words, Jesus was saying to them, “Why should your heart be troubled if you believe in God.”
Jesus is asking us the same question, today. If we believe in God; if we believe there is a God Who created this whole world of ours and that same God knows and loves us; if we believe that we are His child….then what in the world should cause our hearts to be troubled?
If “ye believe in God” then that is enough to put your fears to rest. If “ye believe in God” that is enough to calm our greatest anxiety.
So, here’s the question of the hour: Do you believe in God? Do you trust that He cares about you and knows what is best for you? If so, rest in that fact. Let the fact that God is still in control calm your weary spirit this morning. Walk in victory, today. Why? Because “ye believe in God.”