“And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.” (Matt. 2:11)
What if all you got for Christmas was a worn out sweater someone was tired of wearing, so they just wrapped up and gave it to you? These wise men didn’t bring second-hand trinkets. These wise men gave their treasures to Jesus. What are YOU giving to Jesus for all He has done for you?
FIRST—Give Him the treasure of your TIME.
There were many other things these wise men could have busied themselves with; many other places they could have gone, but there was nothing more important to them than finding Jesus. Do you spend most of your time on worldly things and only give Jesus your leftover time?
SECOND—Give Him the Treasure of Your TALENTS.
Their “gold, and frankincense, and myrrh” could have been given to an earthly king, but they gave them Jesus. It is sad that the average church struggles to have good musicians and singers, etc. because many Christians are using their talents in the world and not for the Lord. The talent God has given you, was given for you to use for HIM.
THIRD—(and most importantly) Give Him the Treasure of Your HEART?
On this Christmas Eve, what better present to give Jesus, than to give Him your heart! Truth is…if He doesn’t have your heart, nothing else you give Him really matters.
Jesus deserves our best. He deserves more than just leftover ham and a second-hand sweater. Stop giving Jesus your leftovers. Determine that since He gave His best for you, you will give your best for Him!