Day #10 – (30 Days of Prayer)

Someone said, “Temper is what gets most of us into trouble. Pride is what keeps us there.” Pride is so dangerous because it is the very thing which caused Lucifer to rebel against God in the first place.

James said, “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.” If you want God to resist you, then just keep that ole heart full of pride. You’ll never feel the peace and joy of the Lord and you certainly will never have a prayer answered.

Pride is simply seeing ourselves bigger or better than we really are. An older saint of God once told a younger Christian, “You can easily become too big for God to use you, but you can never become too small.”

You will never have a personal revival in your heart as long as there is pride there. Do you have any pride in your heart? Maybe you had a falling out with someone and you have had too much pride to admit you were wrong. Maybe you have too much pride to ask for forgiveness.

Today, ask God to remove any pride that might be hindering you from experiencing real revival in your heart!

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