“And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts…” (Luke 1:80)
One of the most rugged and dramatic figures we read about in the New Testament is John the Baptist. There was no one else like him, then, and no one else like him since. There are two things which made John stand out.
It says he “waxed strong in spirit…” That does not surprise us because the more time you spend with God, the stronger your spirit will become. But he also spent most of his time alone; it says he “was in the deserts…” It seems that a time of isolation has been the lot of every great man. Even though Jesus loved people, He too found it necessary to be alone at times in order to commune with the Father. (Mark 1:35) says, “And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” What a reminder that to be great with God, we must spend time alone with Him.
John dressed differently than the world dressed…he wore camel’s hair. His diet was different than the world’s…he ate locust and wild honey. His dwelling was different…he lived in the deserts. Everything about him showed that he rejected the things this world seems to value most. He had a contempt for this world because it was at odds with what God says is most important.
We can be great for God, too, but to do so means we must get alone with God and have regular communion with Him and a contempt for the things of this world.