An Imaginary Crisis

“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” (Matt. 6:34)

Are you a “Worry Wart?” Do you worry over things that haven’t even happened, yet? Maybe you are one of those who worries about the plane going down that you are flying on. Or maybe you worry about how you would pay the bills if you lost your job. Or maybe you are the type of parent who, if your child doesn’t text you right back, fears the worst. You immediately imagine that they are lying in a ditch somewhere hurt and need help.

I have found that there are some people who, even if they don’t have any legitimate things to worry about, will FIND something to worry about! I know some who have a home-made survival pack all ready to go in case World War 3 breaks out or our power grid goes down!

As humans, we are often prone to worry. We fret and become anxious over circumstances that we aren’t even facing, yet. That is why Jesus’ reaction here, in Mathew 6, is almost humorous. It is as if Jesus is saying to these “Worry Warts,” “Really? You don’t have enough to worry about in your life? You don’t already have enough challenges to face that you have to waste your energy mulling over imaginary ones?”

If that is you, His advice to you is to stop worrying because “the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.” In other words, cross that bridge when you get there. Don’t bring tomorrow’s worries into today. There is no reason to worry because the God of today’s circumstances is also the God of tomorrow’s circumstances.

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