Bandits and Brethren

“And it came to pass, when Joseph was come unto his brethren that…they took him, and cast him into a pit…” (Gen. 37:23-24)

Joseph was a young man of character and, because of that, God blessed him. But because God blessed him, others despised him. The sad part of Joseph’s story is that his attacks didn’t come from those outside his family; they came from within his family.

It wasn’t BANDITS who threw Joseph into the pit, it was his BRETHREN! Sadly, some of most vicious attacks we face come from the brethren! Sometimes, it is other Christians who will come against you more than unbelievers. In fact, Jesus had more trouble with the religious crowd than with anyone else! Sadly, some of the worst attacks preachers get are from other preachers. Why does this happen?

I believe we see in this story of Joseph, what prompted his brethren to attack. The brethren will often attack…

1. When You Are “BLESSED” More Than Them.

(v.3) says that their father, “loved Joseph more than all his children,” His brothers clearly saw he was special and it made them jealous. (v.4) says, “And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him.”

When some Christians think you are more blessed by God than they are, they will often attack you out of jealousy.

2. When You Have A Greater “VISION” Than Them.

(v.5) “And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.” His brothers couldn’t stand the fact that God had given him a vision they didn’t have; he saw things they couldn’t see.

Don’t be surprised if, when you seem to have a bigger vision for your life, the brethren start attacking you. It is often those who have no vision who attack those that do! When you start going higher in your walk with God, those who have no desire to go higher, will attack YOU for going higher.

3. When You Are “EXALTED” Above Them.

You know the rest of the story. Joseph was later promoted by God over all the land. He was exalted far above his brothers. Nothing will bring the attacks of the brethren more than when God exalts you above where they are.

Instead of being happy for Joseph, (v.11) says, “his brethren envied him.” When you are attacked by those who should be cheering you on, you can be sure there is usually some envy and jealousy that is causing it.

What did Joseph do? How did he handle the attacks from his brethren? Joseph just kept on doing right even when he was done wrong. He stayed right when he was cast in the PIT and even stayed right when he was later cast into PRISON. He didn’t lift himself UP by trying to tear them DOWN.

If you are being attacked by “the Brethren,” don’t sink to their level. Just keep on doing what you know is right and, in the end, God will bless you more than those who are attacking you. Don’t get your eyes on the BANDITS (the world) or the BRETHREN. Just keep your eyes on Jesus!

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