“But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” (2 Cor. 3:18)
In this chapter, Paul reminds us that unbelievers have a “veil” upon their heart Verse 14 says that their minds are “blinded.” Until they are saved, they cannot truly behold “the glory of the Lord.” “BUT,” Paul says, “we all” (those of us who have been saved and have had the veil removed) CAN behold “the glory of the Lord.”
Praise God, we can get a glimpse of His glory! How? By looking into the mirror of God’s Word! Friend, if you are not in His Word, you will not behold His glory. And notice Paul says that the purpose of “beholding…the glory of the Lord” is so that we might be “changed into the same image.” Friend, the reason we read God’s Word and the reason we go to church to hear God’s Word taught and preached, is so that it will get inside of us and change us from the inside out! If you are not being changed by what you are reading or hearing preached, something is not right.
Every day, we are to be in the Word of God, beholding God’s glory so that later the world might get a glimpse of God’s glory IN US! Are you being changed into the image of Christ? You may be the only image of Christ your co-workers, or friends see. Let them see something real!