“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God…” (Ps. 14:1)
I know what you’re thinking: “There’s no such thing as Christian atheism.” And you would be right. But the Bible calls the atheist a “fool” and there are two types of atheists: the INTELLECTUAL atheist, and the PRACTICAL atheist.
►An INTELLECTUAL atheist is one who BELIEVES there is no God.
►A PRACTICAL atheist is one who BEHAVES as if there is no God.
More foolish than the person who says there is no God, is a person who says he believes there IS a God but doesn’t live like it!
I submit to you that there may not be any intellectual atheists in our churches, but there are multitudes of PRACTICAL atheists in our churches! I’m talking about those who profess to know Christ as their Savior; they profess to BELIEVE in God, yet Monday through Saturday they BEHAVE as if there is no God!
In the Garden of Eden, Satan knew he could not convince Eve that there was no God. After all, they had fellowship with God every day. But by convincing her to disobey God’s Word she BEHAVED as if there was no God and as if there was no commandment from God.
Friend, by the way we live our lives, we show whether or not we truly believe in God and His Word. When the world sees us living in disobedience to the very truths we claim to believe, then our lives are sending as mixed a message as if we are calling ourselves Christian Atheists!