Church Membership Matters
by Mark Agan
Is church membership really important? Can a person still be a good Christian and NOT be a member of a church? These are some good questions that need to be answered. When a person is born again, they are automatically added into the family of God, but the Bible clearly teaches that every believer is also to be a part of a local, New Testament church. In this book, Mark Agan takes the reader to the Word of God to see why Church Membership Matters.
Chapter 1 – Here’s the Church; Here’s the Steeple
Chapter 2 – Membership Has It’s Privileges
Chapter 3 – What’s the Big Deal?
Chapter 4 – CHURCH: Some Assembly Required
*Paperback version (28 pages) – $2.50 each. Email: [email protected] or call the Community Baptist Church at (919) 742-3968 to place an order.