Days #30 – (30 Days of Prayer)

Today is the last of the 30 Days of Prayer and tomorrow begins our Prayer Revival with Dr. Benny Beckum. I hope by now that you have developed a daily habit of praying for God to send Revival. This is not something we need to stop praying just because our Revival services are here.

Paul said to young Timothy, “…continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of…” (2Tim. 3:14). We need God more than ever and we need praying men and women more than ever. So, I trust you will continue this daily habit of prayer for me, as your pastor, and for our leaders and for the church.

I believe God wants to do something big through us. But before He can do something big THROUGH us He must do something big IN us. What will you allow God to do in you this week?

WARNING! Because we have been praying so much for this revival, Satan will do everything he can to keep you from coming. Determine, now, not to let anything keep you from attending this Prayer Revival.

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