Ear Ticklers

“Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things…” (Isa. 30:10)

Isaiah was a preacher of righteousness. He uncompromisingly declared God’s holiness and His judgment on Israel’s sinfulness. As a result, he was not only hated and persecuted, but eventually martyred for his stand!

The people did not want him preaching against their sin. Instead, they said, “Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things…” In other words, they said, “Don’t tell us what we NEED to hear; tell us what we WANT to hear.”

The apostle Paul said that we will face the same kind of attitude in our day, as well. In 2Timothy 4:3 Paul said, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;”

We are living in that day, today. People are not only living in sin but are flaunting it down main street for the world to see! Not only are they not ashamed of their sin, but they expect you to keep quiet about it. If you speak out against it, you will be in big trouble! And worst of all, this is even happening in the church! If the preacher preaches against the sins of the “big givers,” he might as well pack his bags because they will run him off.

But God did not call us to stay quiet. He called us to be salt and light in this evil world. He calls Christians to STAND UP and He calls preachers to SPEAK OUT!

If you have a pastor who preaches the Word without compromise, you ought to thank God for him. If you have a pastor who preaches against the sins of the day, you better lift him up in prayer because Satan will come after him with all he’s got!

What we need are not more “ear ticklers.” It is not our EARS but our HEARTS that need to be touched.

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