They Were All Filled

“And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost…” (Acts 2:3-4a)

Notice that when the Holy Ghost came, it says the cloven tongues sat upon “each of them.” Then it says, “they were ALL filled” (Emphasis mine). In other words, they were ALL filled with the Spirit equally. Peter didn’t get a special filling of the Spirit because he was somehow better than the others. No. The humblest, unknown believer present was just as filled with the Holy Ghost as Peter was.

A couple of thoughts the Lord gave me on this. When it comes to being filled with the Holy Spirit:

Meaning, anyone who has been saved and who wants to be filled CAN be filled as long as there is no sin in their lives. Being filled with the Spirit isn’t something that is only reserved for pastors or big-name evangelists. It is for EVERY believer.

In fact, not only CAN we all be filled, we are COMMANDED to be filled! Eph 5:18 says, “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;”

Not only are there no exceptions, but:

Since the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in the heart of every believer the moment of salvation, there is no excuse for every believer not to be filled with the Spirit. Being filled with the Spirit isn’t getting MORE of the Spirit; it is when the Holy Spirit has MORE of YOU!

Being INDWELT by the Spirit happens in a moment (at salvation). Being FILLED with the Spirit happens moment by moment. It happens as we surrender ourselves to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Is there any area of your life that you have not surrendered to the Lord? Surrender it today so that He can fill you and use you to your fullest potential for Him!

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