“And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number of names together were about
an hundred and twenty,)” (Acts 1:15)
You wouldn’t think it by looking at it, but this verse is one of the best examples of forgiveness we find in the New Testament. That’s right! An amazing thing happened here that you just might miss if you’re not careful.
Peter is standing up to preach on the day of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit moved with such power that it produced one of the greatest responses recorded in Scripture! Acts 2:41 says that those that “gladly received his word” and were baptized were “about three thousand souls”! WOW! What a response!
But…wait a minute. Who did God use to preach this powerful message and see such an amazing response? Peter? Wasn’t this the same Peter who, only forty days before had denied even knowing Jesus Christ? How was Peter able to do this? How were the disciples able to get over his denial and the fact that he had forsaken Jesus at the most crucial time of His earthly ministry? How were they able to not only let Peter attend the meeting but actually be the keynote speaker?
The answer is found in verse 14 where it says that among those who were gathered in the upper room, praying with the disciples (which included Peter) were “Mary the mother of Jesus, and…his brethren.”
Mary and Jesus’ brethren were present in this gathering in the upper room where Peter took charge. Mary could have easily held a grudge against Peter for denying and abandoning her son when it mattered most.
Don’t miss this…Pentecost (and all those who were saved as a result of it) may not have happened like it did had they not forgiven Peter!
Here’s my question…what blessings might YOU be missing because of your unforgiving spirit? Your grudge could be hindering God from doing great things in your life. Repent. Grant forgiveness and give forgiveness, today.