Help! I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up!

There used to be a TV commercial where an elderly woman was on the floor and she presses the button on her Medic-Alert necklace to call for help. She says, “Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.”

Did you know there are multitudes of Christians just like that lady? Somehow Satan has tripped them up and knocked them down. Some have fallen spiritually and they can’t seem to find the strength they need to get back up.

Last Sunday, I preached about Peter’s betrayal of Jesus and how that as soon as he denied Him the third time and the cock crew, the Bible says, “And Peter went out, and wept bitterly” (Luke 22:62).

There are many today who are weeping bitter tears. They are not bitter at someone else; they are bitter at themselves and what they have allowed Satan to do in their lives. They are crying out, “Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”

I said this last Sunday, “If there is no sin Jesus cannot forgive you of BEFORE you got saved, there is no sin He cannot forgive you of AFTER you got saved.”

Satan told Peter that his life, ministry, and effectiveness were over. He told him that Jesus didn’t love him and wouldn’t want to use him any more. BUT THAT WAS A LIE! In fact, before Peter even fell, Jesus said to him, “But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren” (v.32).

Jesus had already made plans to convert (or restore) Peter BEFORE he even sinned! WOW! You know what that is? That’s grace, brother!

Listen friend…. no matter how far down you have fallen, God’s grace can go even deeper! DID YOU GET THAT? You cannot fall further than God’s grace can go!

►One last thought…. Jesus prayed that Peter’s faith wouldn’t fail. Your faith is even more important when you FAIL than when you SUCCEED! Why? Because it doesn’t take much faith when you are succeeding. But when you fail, you need faith to believe God can forgive and restore you back to Him.

Maybe you have fallen. I’ve got good news… YOU CAN GET BACK UP! Do like Peter. Repent, accept God’s forgiveness and then use your experience to show the love and grace of God to someone else who has fallen and can’t get back up!

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