While He Lingered

“And while he lingered, the men laid hold upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife…and they brought him forth, and set him without the city” (Gen 19:16).

God was about to destroy Sodom & Gomorrah and He sent two angels to get Lot and his family out. Something that really bothered me was the phrase “And while he lingered…”

WHAT??? You have two angels telling you the fire of judgment is about to fall and you want to dee-dolly around like nothing’s wrong? He lingered? Really?

We like to preach on the fact that Lot’s wife looked back and became a pillar of salt, and that’s true. But don’t forget…before SHE LOOKED, HE LINGERED! In fact it says that the angels had to literally take them all by the hand and physically lead them out! Wow!

I believe Lot’s wife was influenced by Lot. And I believe Lot was influenced by Sodom. You can’t choose to live around wickedness and it not affect you. Listen…we all influence someone, and we all are influenced by someone.

Are you allowing yourself to be influenced by someone who is lingering in their walk with God? Do your friends follow God without reserve or are they lingering too long around the things of the world?

You better be careful. If you hang around those who linger instead of following God, it won’t be long before you will also be slow to follow the LORD. Be a leader! Lead the way for God. Don’t let someone else’s hesitation be the cause of your spiritual destruction!

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