“Let all things be done decently and in order.” (1Cor. 14:40)
When writing to the church at Corinth, Paul told them that everything in the church ought be done “decently and in order.” Why? Because “God is not the author of confusion…” (1Cor. 14:33). So, we know that the church should have an order to it. But what about our personal lives?
If the church should be a place of order, because God is in control there, shouldn’t our personal lives also reflect order since God is supposed to be in control of us?
Now, I understand that some people can become OCD about things and some things can be taken too far, but the average Christian isn’t usually guilty of having their lives TOO orderly, but rather not orderly enough. And I am not just talking spiritually, either.
You would be surprised how many people struggle week after week with just getting to church on time. Now, I know that emergencies can happen in anyone’s life. Anything from unexpected traffic, to the baby getting sick at the last minute can make even the most organized person late. But I am not talking about rare emergencies. I am talking about those whose daily life seems to be so unorganized that they are always late and unprepared for things.
In one church I pastored, we had a young couple with only one child who could never seem to get to church on time. Yet, we also had another couple with four children who usually got there early! When asked how this mom was able to do that, her answer was, “It takes a lot of preparation, but it can be done.”
Just like God’s church, our lives should also reflect order. If this devotion hits home with you, don’t worry. In tomorrow’s devotion, I will give you some practical tips that organized people use to be prepared and on time in their lives.