The Attraction of Your Reaction – (Part 2)

“The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.” (Ps. 145:8)

If there is one thing that will make us stand out from the world it is our reaction to how others treat us. Despite how the world treated the Lord, the Bible says He was still “gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.”

Yesterday, I gave the first four tips that will help you react differently to others. Here are the last four.

5) Remember, everyone has a story.

Their actions may stem from something they have gone through in the past, or something they are dealing with right now. The point is, everyone has a story. That rude waitress that messed up your order has a story. That impatient customer you dealt with has a story. That problem student in your class has a story. Their story may not EXCUSE their actions, but it may help EXPLAIN their actions. So, remembering that they have a story will help in how you respond to them.

6) Instead of magnifying their FAILURE, help them SUCCEED.

There is a saying, “Never look down on someone unless it is to help them up.” Sure, that person might not be as successful as you are, but you have no idea how far they may have come from where they were to where they are right now. Imagine if others had not helped you succeed, in spite of your failures. Where would YOU be, today? Don’t be a part of someone’s failure; be a part of their success.

7) APPRECIATE those who have supported you, FORGIVE those who have hurt you, and HELP those who need you.

This pretty much says it all. There is no room in life for grudges and bitterness. Be thankful for those whom God has used to help you, but forgive those who have hurt you and tried to make you fail. Help those who need you because often it might even be the person who previously hurt you.

The last reason our reactions to others, especially unbelievers, is so important is because:

8) Your PLEASANTNESS leaves a door open for your WITNESS.

When you respond to hatefulness with hatefulness, you are closing the door on any opportunity you may have in the future to share the gospel with them. Remember, if they are an unbeliever, they are only acting on what is in their heart.

Therefore, it is imperative that your reactions show them, not just WHAT, but WHO is in your heart…JESUS!

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