As I ponder all I have experienced over the last 12 weeks, it’s almost hard to put into words. I have had the privilege to be at almost every service and see things I have only read about in books.

I have seen God’s hand upon CT Townsend like I have never seen it before. I have seen conviction descend upon each service so heavily you could understand how many were literally throwing themselves on the altar begging God for forgiveness. Yes, I have seen things my eyes have NEVER seen before and hope they see again.

But the Burlington Revival is over…now what?

The power of God was evident and it was REAL under that tent, but it wasn’t the tent that was special. It wasn’t the shavings under the tent that held any special power. It wasn’t the old-fashioned wooden altars (where many wept as they cried out to God for salvation) that held any special power.

God’s power isn’t limited to ANY of those things and we should be thankful for that! That means that as we prepare for church tomorrow, we can expect the SAME God Who moved under the tent to move in YOUR church and in MY church! He’s not limited to a piece of property sitting next to I-40 in Burlington, NC.

So, as you go to your church tomorrow, don’t expect your pastor to preach like Bro. CT. Don’t expect your music leader to lead like Bro. Jared Dixon and don’t expect the choir to sing like the Revival choir. They were all used by God, BUT…

Why don’t you show up tomorrow praying as much for God to use YOUR pastor, and YOUR music leader, and YOUR choir…AND YOU, like you prayed for the Burlington Revival.

If we will continue to pray and seek God’s face…. the spirit of the Burlington Revival will not only live on….IT WILL SPREAD!!!

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