“And he called his ten servants…and said unto them, Occupy till I come.” (Luke 19:13)
The word “occupy” literally means “keep busy.” In other words, this man was saying, “Keep busy until I come.” There is little that will kill a person’s spiritual life like idleness will. There is an old saying that says, “Idle hands are the Devils’ workshop.”
FIRST—Idleness results from having no goal or purpose.
To be idle is to be lazy or to avoid work. Idleness is not the same as rest, which the Bible commends. Rather, idleness is doing nothing when you should be doing something. God wants us working with purpose, and that purpose is to glorify God with our lives.
SECOND—Idleness leads us into temptation.
When we are idle, we are more prone to give into temptation. Without focus, our minds more easily stray and we are more easily enticed by our sinful desires and the sinful pleasures of the world.
THIRD—Idleness often leads to other sins.
A state of idleness is often accompanied by other sins, such as stealing and gossiping. 1Timothy 5:13 says, “they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.”
It is not that Christians are to be workaholics or have no pleasures that they enjoy; rather we are to live our lives with purpose, doing all things—including rest and relaxation—for the glory of God.
Don’t become idle. Make it your goal every day to live for God and bring glory to Him.