“Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:” (1Pet. 1:6)
The one thing about us is God made us all unique. There are no two identical human beings. Even identical twins are not truly “identical.” They are not exact replicas of one another. We are all unique, but there is one thing we ALL have in common…we ALL face troubles and trials.
Maybe you are facing a trial this morning. Peter gives us four truths about our troubles.
FIRST—Our Troubles Are PRESENT.
Peter said, “ye are in heaviness…” Troubles are a fact of life. In fact, Peter was writing to a lot of Christians who were currently facing persecution. They were literally “in heaviness.” The truth about the matter is, as long as we are in this world, troubles will be a present reality for us. But just as our trials are ever present, our GOD is also ever present!
Next, it says, “through manifold temptations:” It would be nice if we only faced a few trials in our lives. But the truth is, we will encounter “manifold (many) temptations.” Sometimes we face them daily. If you overcome one temptation don’t get too cocky because there is another one coming just around the corner!
They are “manifold temptations.” Temptations can be quite problematic for us. They tempt us to sin against God and leave His plan for our lives.
FOURTH—Our Troubles Are Not PERMANENT.
“though now for a season…” Though we cannot escape our troubles, I am thankful that God says they will only last for “a season.” It may seem like that trial you are facing will last forever, but hold on dear child of God, there will be an end to it.