“..the next day they lightened the ship; And…we cast out with our own hands the tackling of the ship.” (Acts 27:19-19)
The apostle Paul was on a ship bound for Rome when he got word from the Lord that it would be a very dangerous journey. Their ship encountered a severe storm. It was so bad that they were sure the ship would sink!
It soon became obvious that a decision had to be made concerning the heavy cargo onboard. It was so serious that every non-essential piece of cargo had to be thrown overboard. I wonder how long they debated over what items must go.
As you and I go through life we will encounter storms. These storms can become so severe it may seem as though we will go under. What should we do when this happens?
Assess Your Situation Realistically
Paul knew that this storm was allowed by God because God could have stopped it. Don’t buy into the doom and gloom Satan throws your way every time a storm comes. Just like Paul, God may have in that storm for a reason so don’t over-react, Just keep trusting God.
Lighten Your Load
Sometimes God wants to make us reevaluate our priorities. They had to take a hard look at the things they felt they needed to keep and the things they could live without. It is easy to get our priorities out of line and begin living for things that have no eternal value.
Maintain A Right Spirit
In the midst of a storm that about to sink their ship, Paul said, “I exhort you to be of good cheer…” God wants us to maintain a right spirit because that shows we trust that He is still in control.
Do you have things weighing you down, spiritually? If so, throw it overboard!