“Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the LORD, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency! and thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee; and thou shalt tread upon their high places.” (Deut. 33:29)
Moses was giving Israel one last challenge. He was reminding them that one of the things which should characterize them as God’s chosen people was that they should be happy. Sure, they were about to go possess the land God had promised them, but they were to remember that their happiness wasn’t in a PLACE. Happiness is in the Lord!
What a lesson for us, today. Often you see people who are constantly moving. They can never seem to get settled because they think happiness is found in a place. As soon as they get bored where they are, they are off, seeking happiness somewhere else. Or you see a person who goes from one relationship to another because they think happiness is found in a person. Therefore, when their current relationship isn’t as exciting anymore, they are off for a new adventure with another person, seeking that ever-elusive happy feeling again.
Don’t fall for that trap. Seeking happiness in a place or a person will always leave you unhappy and discontent. Better than trying to find your “happy place,” find your happiness in Jesus, who is EVERY place.
Tomorrow, I will give you three truths to remember that keep Satan from stealing the happiness from your happy place.