“Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.” (Acts 26:28)
Paul found himself living in shackles as a prisoner. This was not something he chose, but something that God had chosen for him. I’m sure that while he was in prison, Paul asked the Lord why this was happening.
Have you ever found yourself asking God, “Why?” Have you ever questioned God’s wisdom in why He allowed certain circumstances into your life? If so, you are not alone. In times like this we often find ourselves asking three why’s.
I wonder how many nights in prison Paul asked God, “Why? Why am I locked up in jail when I could be out there witnessing to people?” I would have asked the same question. Why does it seem bad things happened to those who are serving God when the wicked seem to get away with their wickedness without any consequences?
Maybe you are asking God the same thing about YOUR circumstances. “Why me?”
Paul may have thought, “Of all the things that could happen to me, why should I have to be locked up? Why should I have to lose my freedom and become a prisoner?”
Maybe you have asked God the same thing. “Why does it have to be MY child who rebelled against God? Why does it have to be MY marriage that is falling apart? Why this?”
Paul eventually realized that it was God’s perfect timing for him to be in prison. God had a divine appointment scheduled between Paul and King Agrippa. God needed Paul in this prison at this time in order to give the gospel to a king no other believer had access to.
You may not know why you, why this, or why now, but rest in the fact that God has a plan. Trust Him with your why’s.