You Can’t Please Everyone

“Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him” (2 Cor. 5:9)

Whom are you trying to please? Some people literally run themselves ragged trying to please everyone and in the end they are all stressed out because they feel they haven’t pleased anyone; they haven’t measured up.

Others make decisions in life trying to be accepted by someone else. Teens make many decisions trying to be accepted by their friends. Paul said the main goal in our lives should be to be “accepted of him,” the LORD.

Listen…you can’t please everyone, but you can please GOD! The Bible says in (Heb 11:5) that “Enoch…had this testimony, that he pleased God.” So back to my question: whom are YOU trying to please?

If, at the end of the day, you can lay your head on your pillow and say, “To the best of my ability, I tried to please the Lord, today,” then no matter what others think, you did well! Let’s live to please HIM, today!

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